AURA is a team of Christian Brothers most of whom have spent multiple years since 1991 living in Ukraine working under various Anabaptist missions. Collectively we share over 50 years of experience living and working in Ukraine. The diversity of time eras and mission focuses has given us a large number of personal acquaintances among Evangelical Believers inside Ukraine. While some of these believers have left Ukraine many more have felt called to stay and minister to the needy left behind.
Our objective is to provide a fast, flexible, and efficient channel whereby God’s Children in the west can share in the needs of His Children in the east. We seek to partner with trusted brothers inside Ukraine who are already sharing with refugees, the elderly, children, and others. Our first focus is critical needs such as food, medicine, baby needs, and other basic essentials. Help with travel costs and migration is secondary but in the long run perhaps the most efficient solution for certain situations. Later on, we may also include the repair/rebuilding of homes and churches as the Lord leads.
All personnel working with AURA in the USA, as well as Ukraine, serve without any monetary compensation. There are some fees incurred for money transfers. Our office and fundraising expenses have been generously covered by various individuals and businesses. To date, this has allowed for over 98% of all donations to be utilized to purchase and deliver aid to those in need. Praise the Lord!
Testimonies From Ukraine.*
*Translated from Ukrainian.